Difficulties Managing Multi-sited Workforce

Multi-Sited Workforce

Industry: Logistics (Warehousing and Delivery UK Nationwide)

Employee Role: Delivery Driver

Case circumstances:

  • Employee had frequent absences over 3 year period

OH Policy Application and Intervention:

  • Depot Manager referred for Absence Management assessment
  • High level of HR involvement due to disciplinary procedures being applied

Risks to employee:

  • Various medical conditions reported as reasons for absences
  • Potential exacerbation of conditions due to work

Risks to employer:

  • Delivery deadlines missed
  • Pressure on co-workers to cover or employment of agency staff

OH Assessment:

  • OH assessment established that the medical conditions reported did not merit absence level
  • Further information was obtained for his GP to ensure that all case history had been reviewed


  • Company proceeded to disciplinary final stage – dismissal due to non-attendance
  • Employee claimed discrimination due to his knowledge of a colleague who worked for the same company in a different depot. Colleague had worse levels of absence but had not been managed through the OH and disciplinary process.
  • Company had to retract disciplinary proceedings and begin process again once it had applied the Absence Management policy across the whole workforce


  • Companies must have an agreed OH policy applicable to all worksites and apply it consistently